Community Impact
Bettering life for homeless pets in Arizona
This is How
We Make a Difference
in Our Community
We’ve expanded our impact by bringing solutions to looming social issues surrounding pet welfare through these programs.
You thought you knew us, right?
- A coalition of over 100 pet welfare organizations coming together to make life better for homeless animals in need.
- Large outdoor adoption events.
- Medical care aid for homeless, neglected and abused pets in the care of our rescue partners.
- Education initiatives.
- Large scale fundraising.
We’re growing in new ways! This is how.
We’re taking a wider scope these days with additional initiatives. These programs expand our impact by bringing solutions to pet welfare issues at our community level. We’re making a difference in the quality of life for local animals facing unfortunate circumstances.
- Tending to the needs of the elderly desperately trying to maintain their pets during declining health.
- Bringing food to low-income families so pets can stay in their homes.
- Tackling the dire consequences of pet overpopulation by stepping up actions in local education.
Our activities make a stronger community for everyone by providing much needed vital resources and information to promote responsible, loving pet parenting. And most importantly, reduce (and ultimately eliminate) the horrifying problem of homeless pet euthanization.
Meet Our Community Programs
We’re helping to keep pets in their homes in times of need.

The Alliance for Companion Animals
Fix. Adopt. Save. (FAS)
Reducing homeless pet overpopulation
PACC911 is proud to be a partner of the Alliance for Companion Animals, an alliance comprised of six animal welfare agencies working together to tackle pet homelessness in Maricopa County through its Fix. Adopt. Save. initiative. The overall goal of this partnership is a focused approach to increase access to spay and neuter services aimed at reducing the homeless pet overpopulation dilemma, alongside getting pets out of the shelters and into forever homes.
FIX.ADOPT.SAVE. efforts have resulted in an 87% decrease of euthanasia and a 44% decrease of intake into local shelters since its start in 2013. Fix.Adopt.Save. is funded by Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust and PetSmart Charities. By coming together community groups pool their expertise and resources to improve the plight of homeless pets and make Maricopa County a safe place for the animals.

Mercy Paws
Easing the burden of elderly and infirm pet parents in care facilities

PACC911’s Chuck Waggin Pet Food Pantry
Providing pet food to those in need to keep pets in their homes
PACC911’s Chuck Waggin’ Pet Food Pantry assists low income families and the elderly with food for their pets, thus assuring that pets can stay in the home rather than be relinquished. Through its food donation program and referral network, our Chuck Waggin’ Pet Food Pantry assists families in crisis by providing pet food to those who may not be able to afford it. This innovative program, founded in 2012 by our own Board member Donna Barker (yup, that’s her real name), helps keep beloved family pets home where they belong, as opposed to being turned into a shelter or rescue.