Meet our Rescue Partners

See the pets waiting for their forever homes!
toasty small dog with big ears
young tabby kitten
happy rottweiler portrait

Find Your Next Pet with PACC911

1 Click, 140 Rescues!

Meet our partners and their adorable rescue pets up for adoption

We make it so easy for you
to adopt a homeless pet!

Reach over 140 PACC11 Arizona animal rescue partners
our one-click directory!

You want to adopt a homeless pet who needs you as much as you want them. But where do you find the choice rescues?

Right here! We have over 140 local animal rescue websites to help you discover your next pet pal. You’ll find many loving dogs and cats ready for you to come bring them home right now. Our list is easily arranged for you to go to their websites to see who’s waiting for you.

Look at these benefits!

You’ll want to adopt from our PACC911 coalition partners. Here’s why.

  • All are 501(c)3 charitable non-profit organizations.
  • All agree to our code of ethics.
  • All are asked to follow our suggested best practices guidelines for animal rescue organizations. These standards were developed in accordance with expert resources in use throughout the country to raise the bar of care in Arizona.
  • All pets must be spayed/neutered and immunized before going home with you.

Enjoy the benefit of animal matchmakers.

You’ll love that our rescue partners know the personalities of the wards in their care. They happily “match make” their available pets seeking homes because we all believe adoption is forever.  We want you and your new pet to have many happy years together.

Keep an open mind when you explore.

If you’re looking for a certain breed pet, explore websites beyond the breed specific names. Your next best friend could be at any group, as most aren’t breed restrictive.

Stay up to date!

Visit our Facebook page too. It’s updated daily with animals in need, patiently waiting for you to love them.

Get Started!

pacc911 partner seal
Look for our PACC911  Partner Identity Seal along with an active listing in our One Click Directory. 

Adopt with confidence from one of our coalition partners!