Transformation Videos

Watch these compelling transformations

When a picture says more than 

a thousand words.

Meet Hooch.

He’s one of the lucky ones saved with our help.
This is what he looks like now.

Sometimes you just have to watch us in action
to really see the impact of what we do.


Eva’s Story

(1:48 minutes) Eva’s story is one of a dog whose time was not meant to be over. A fighter all the way from emaciation to distemper, she made a full recovery and is now in a loving home. Thank you 2nd Chance Dog Rescue.

Raine’s Story

(1:58 minutes) Living in the desert with a broken leg in addition to being extremely underweight and experiencing other illnesses, this sweet gal was saved and now lives a happy life. Special thanks to Arizona St. Bernard Rescue for their efforts.

Mira’s Story

(2:07 minutes) Abandoned, anemic, living off the street, this sweetie was saved by good samaritans and nourished to health by Boxer Luv Rescue. Her name Mira? It’s short for Miracle.

Buddy’s Story

(1:46 minutes) Rescued from a puppy mill and brought to Pinal County Animal Control, Buddy’s horror-to-happiness story epitomizes why we do  what we do.

This is what YOU can make happen

But it can only take place when you donate. Will you consider donating to see more wonderful transformations like these?