About Pet ID
Details on these Animal Must-HavesSadly, many pets get lost. Safeguard them with these simple actions.
Microchip and up-to-date collar tags promote your pet’s safe return in case they become lost or stolen. They add security and increase your chances of recovery.
Each year hundreds of thousands of lost pets are taken to animal shelters across the country. Many of these animals wear no form of traceable identification and are never reunited with their owners. Tragically, they are often euthanized. This terrible waste of lives can be avoided if owners equip their pets with proper identification. Both dogs and cats need identification. Even if your cat is an indoor cat, she still needs ID – scared or excited pets can slip out the door before you can stop them.
The Procedure
The procedure is quick and painless. Electronic microchip implants are inserted using a special syringe. Your vet will inject a small coded device, about the size of a grain of rice, under the loose skin on your pet’s neck. Microchips each have an identification number associated with them. With this number, your name, address and phone number are stored in a computer database. Animal shelters and many veterinary hospitals throughout North America are equipped with special scanning devices that read the microchip implant information. If they find your pet, they can notify you quickly with your stored information. The one-time cost for a microchip implant varies, check with your vet or clinic.
There are different companies that provide the microchips to vets and clinics, each with their own registries.
Most veterinary practices will microchip your pets. Ask your vet for the best type for you or reach out to one of the locations below.
Where you can get microchip services
West Valley: 2599 S 27th Ave., Phoenix
East Valley: 2640 W 8th St., Mesa
10220 N. 32nd St., Phoenix, AZ 85028
Hours: Sunday 11am – 2:30pm
Collars & Tags
The annual rabies tag you get by registering your pet with Maricopa County, as well as a tag with your current address and phone number are other good forms of identification. The biggest benefit of a collar and tags is that it provides instant access to vital information about your pet. The number on the rabies tag is tracked in a computer database. If your pet is found, the animal control officer can check the tag number, pull up your address, and let you know that they have your pet. The main problem with relying solely on dog tags is that tags can fall off or may not be readable, collars are easily removed, slipped or broken, and therefore, they provide no guarantee that the information will still be on your pet when he/she is found. A microchip implant is a permanent backup, in addition to a collar and tags, but be sure to keep your information for both forms of identification current. If not, your lost pet may never find his or her way home.
Be sure to keep a record of all your pets microchip, licence and rabies tag numbers. When providing information about your lost pet to your local veterinary hospital or animal shelter, they will need these numbers.
Links to Pet ID Sources
Home Again Companion Animal Retrieval Microchip System 800.252.7894
Avid Microchip 800.336.2843
National Dog Registry 800.637.3647
Tattoo-A-Pet 800.TATTOOS 800-828 8667