

An informative video

about animal cruelty

and what YOU can do

to report and help


You see an animal being abused. You have to act fast, but you also want to get the right results. What do you do?

Watch this video.
It will teach you.


  • So many agencies out there, it’s confusing. Time is of the essence. Who do you contact to get the right response?
  • Who can actually make an arrest in these special animal cases?
  • Why are people afraid to call 911? And can they even respond when it’s not a person being harmed?
  • Did you know that the police aren’t always aware of their responsibilities in these situations? This video reveals why and what you can do to get fast action.
  • Getting justice: what do prosecuting attorneys need from you to get these criminals convicted?

Find out what you need to do

in a difficult situation!

Animal Cruelty is rampant. PACC911 fights back by providing information from a panel of experts to help inform the rescue community and the public about how the process works and how to proceed when you are confronted with a situation.

You’ll meet and hear from a panel of specialists in the field, including local sheriff and police investigators, the Arizona Humane Society, prosecuting and defense attorneys who specialize in animal abuse cases and others vital to obtaining justice for these helpless creatures.

You’ll walk away with a better understanding of what role each person plays to get justice done for these victims and most importantly, find out what you can do should you come across a suffering animal. Because if this happens, every second is vital if you want to save the animal from the clutches of an abuser.

Why we did this

We take on so many animals that are victims of cruelty, it just seemed so appropriate for us to put on this important symposium. This video is a recording of the program that took place on November 4, 2015. We had a packed room with over two hundred attendees.

Even if you are not from Phoenix Arizona you can learn a lot. While every location has different laws and regulations, this video gives you an idea of:

  • Who you can contact to get results
  • The responsibilities of different representatives and governing agencies.

After watching you’ll have a better idea about how to find out how things work in your own area. Because, if you ever come across an animal cruelty situation, you will need to act both swiftly and smartly to get justice for the animal. We’ve also included for you the Maricopa Animal Statutes that you can download here, should you ever want to find out more about the regulations on the books.

Maricopa Animal Laws & Statutes Pt 1

Maricopa Animal Laws & Statutes Pt 2

While this is the entire program from that evening,  you can pause it at any time and come back to it. So sit back, grab a beverage, watch, enjoy and learn.



How PACC911 helps abused animals  

Our Medical Care Fund

Our PACC911’s Medical Care Fund has designated endowments for victims of extreme cases of abuse and neglect. We are dependent on your donations to save these precious animals. You can read their heart wrenching stories and discover how they found happy endings in our  Before and After section.

That’s Archie in the photos at the top, here’s another one of our alumni, Angel. Both of their stories are posted. We are offering this video free to the viewing public. Help us keep going by donating now. Just go here:

