Critical Care Gallery (2016)
See the Animals We've Saved This YearCritical Care Gallery Page Two- 2016
Emmy & Oscar - Seniors Left Homeless When Elderly Owner Died
Emmy and Oscar’s Story
Emmy and Oscar’s elderly dad passed away, leaving this bonded pair nowhere to go. These sweet long-haired dachshunds are seniors themselves at 11 and 13 years old and were now facing going to county. In addition, their medical needs had been neglected over the past few years, as they had matted fur, tumor growths and needed dental work. The chance to live out their remaining years was slim as they simply had no options. Mighty Mini Mutts came to their rescue! They took Emmy and Oscar in and reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for assistance with medical expenses. The medical procedures and surgery went great, and the tumors were not cancerous. Emmy and Oscar also got gussied up with a professional groom to get ready for adoption. Then, the most wonderful thing of all happened… Emmy and Oscar were adopted together! They will now live on, happily, with their new loving family.
Mason -Rescued From Cruelty, Owner Arrested
Mason’ Story
Mason, a young boxer mix, was rescued from cruelty and neglect in the city of Wilcox. When found, Mason had multiple injuries, broken teeth, and was covered in ticks. Thankfully, his owner was arrested. Mason was taken to the shelter, but when his hold was up, he had no place to go, and he still needed critical medical care. The shelter reached out to Surrendered Souls Rescue who took Mason in. They would get him the extensive medical treatment he needed and find him the loving home he deserves. Surrendered Souls reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for assistance with vet expenses. In addition to the many wounds all over his body and head, it was discovered that Mason’s jaw had been broken so traumatically, that part of it would need to be removed. As the doctor examined Mason, he documented all injuries for the court case against his owner. Even in extreme pain, Mason remained a gentle boy and was so grateful to his saviors. He has had surgery to repair his jaw and is still healing in a loving foster home. Despite the horror Mason has been through, he loves everyone and everything. This sweet boy is finally safe and will be ready for adoption and a happy life soon.
Daniel -Lost And Suffering From A Broken Leg
Daniel’s Story
Daniel, just a one year old pup, came to Pima Animal Care Center as a stray. He had a broken femur and was in excruciating pain. Pima Animal Care Center reached out to Desert Harbor Doberman Rescue who came to Daniel’s aid, taking him directly to the hospital. Unfortunately, even after multiple examinations by specialists, it was determined that his leg had been broken for too long to repair. Sadly, this puppy’s leg would have to be amputated. Desert Harbor Doberman Rescue reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for assistance with medical expenses. His surgery was a success and just weeks later, a resilient Daniel was running, splashing, and playing, and even participating in agility training! Throughout his ordeal, Daniel remained a sweet and loving boy and showed he enjoys the company of everyone. Daniel loves playing and being a puppy, and likes a good cuddle session too. Today, Daniel is adopted into a wonderful loving home.
Sargent -While Lost And Suffering Ignored By Countless People
Sargent laid on the concrete outside a convenience store in Sacatan, Arizona. Sadly, one by one, people walked past him. No one realized he was suffering in pain. No one worried about how sad or scared he was because he was lost and had nowhere to go. Sargent was simply ignored, as no one took the time to recognize this gentle boy desperately needed help until his savior came along. One man did stop and take notice. He asked around and found out Sargent did not belong to anyone at the store, so he took Sargent home to begin a search for his family. Once home, he and his wife realized Sargent had a gaping wound on his underside. He needed medical attention right away. The couple reached out to 2nd Chance Dog Rescue. Working together, and with the financial assistance of PACC911’s L.A.F. Program, they took Sargent to a hospital where he got medication and stitches for the critical wound. Unfortunately, it was also determined that Sargent had heartworms and needed immediate treatment. Thanks to Sargent’s hero who didn’t walk away, his wound did not get infected and he will recover from heartworms. Sargent’s owners never came forward, but he is now safe and part of the devoted family of 2nd Chance Dog Rescue where he will stay with his loving foster family until he is ready for adoption.
Lewis -Emaciated With Bones Visible
Lewis, a lovable male boxer mix, was brought in to Graham County shelter. He was weak and so emaciated that his ribs and spine showed prominently through his fur. Lewis needed medical attention right away. Though others would pass him over due to illness, Arizona Center for Animal Rescue and Education saved him. Lewis was pulled from the shelter and taken to the hospital for diagnosis. Bloodwork showed that he was positive for tick fever, and it was also learned that he has allergies. Lewis just needed a grain free diet for the allergies, but would need a series of treatments for the tick fever. AZ CARE reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for assistance with medical expenses. After a few months of recovery, a healthy diet and lots of love from his foster mom, Lewis is ready for adoption. This sweet guy, with an adorable under bite, is feeling better and looking for a forever family to share his love.
Mayhem -Stolen Then Abused, Will Know Love Now
Mayhem, a sweet pittie, was stolen from his loving family. His captors then mistreated him, keeping him outside 24/7. He was neglected and abused and after 5 years of misery, ended up at Arizona Human Society. Although Mayhem’s original owner was found, he was out of state and very ill, so sadly could not be reunited. Mayhem, now an older boy, had no place to go… and he was dying. He had developed cancer from being left out in the sun day after day. Because of his age and potentially terminal illness, Mayhem was put on the e-list. Then, One Love Bully Rescue stepped in! They brought Mayhem into their family and committed to making sure he knows happiness for the time he has left on Earth. Mayhem has cancer, but with treatment, he can have a good, quality life for at least a year. One Love Bully Rescue reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for assistance with expenses for his surgery and chemotherapy. After that, Mayhem will get a second chance for joy and love. One Love Bully Rescue has a fantastic bucket list planned to make the remaining days of this awesome guy’s life the happiest of all.[/learn_more
Hopscotch - Grotesquely Abused, Left To Die On The Streets
Hopscotch‘s Story
Hopscotch, just a puppy, knew nothing but agony at the hands of humans, and was then left to die on the streets. This 5 month old boxer was found lying in a field in agony and picked up by Maricopa County Animal Care and Control. The shelter reached out to Boxer Luv Rescue, who picked her up immediately and took her to an emergency hospital. The results of her diagnosis were horrifying. Her rear hip and leg were shattered and completely disconnected from her body structure. Her front left leg had multiple fractures, and the toes on her right foot were broken. Sadly, all evidence told a story of human abuse. Boxer Luv Rescue reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for assistance with medical costs. Hopscotch is in good hands now, with Boxer Luv, and will have surgery for her broken bones and hip. After all she’s been through, Hopscotch is a sweet, loveable girl. She has a long road to recovery, but will have lots of love to keep her spirits up. Once recovered, Hopscotch will be ready for adoption to her forever family and the life of love she deserves.
Alfie -Starving And Alone Along the Canals
Alfie’s Story
Alfie was lying in the bushes along South Phoenix Canals. He was starving and weak. Maricopa County Animal Care and Control spotted this poor boy and brought him into the shelter. He was in bad shape and needed medical attention right away. MCACC reached out to Boxer Luv Rescue who came to Alfie’s aid. The rescue took him straight to the hospital where it was discovered that he had a dislocated hip that would need surgery. In addition, he was severely malnourished and anemic, infested with ticks, and had skin infections. Boxer Luv Rescue reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for assistance with medical expenses. Alfie stayed in the hospital for treatment, to regain his strength, and to stabilize for surgery. Alfie will receive much needed love and support on his journey to recovery. This adorable guy will be ready for a devoted, forever family soon.
Wednesday -Starving Stray With Prolapsed Uterus
Wednesday’s Story
Wednesday found herself a stray on the streets in west Phoenix. Struggling each day to survive, she was in terrible pain and had nowhere to go. This distressed girl was found and picked up by Maricopa County Animal Care and Control. She was severely malnourished and suffered from a prolapsed uterus. MCACC reached out to Boxer Luv Rescue who came and got Wednesday, taking her to the hospital right away. They reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for assistance with medical expenses. Poor Wednesday was in terrible health, but with medical treatment and some TLC, she would fine. Wednesday had surgery for the prolapsed uterus which went well, and she spent a few days in the hospital to recover. She is now regaining her strength in the comforts of a loving foster home. Wednesday will soon be ready to meet a family who will love her forever.
Ajax & Gibson -Suffered From Years Of Medical Neglect
Ajax & Gibson
Two distressful seniors at Maricopa County Animal Care and Control were taken in by 2DaRescue Dog rescue, and with the financial assistance of PACC911’s L.A.F. Program, they would give these two boys a second chance for a happy life. Ajax, a darling Maltese mix was found limping around Encanto Park and when picked up by MCACC, it was discovered he had suffered years of medical neglect. Poor boy had severely matted fur, agonizing dental disease and actually had two medial patellar subluxations causing excruciating pain in his back legs. Ajax has now had surgery and a nice groom, and he is ready to meet a forever family to share his love. Gibson was also a victim of severe medical neglect, brought in to MCACC with matted fur and a painfully infected mouth. He too received surgery to have his teeth removed and medical treatment for his mouth sores. Now he feels great, especially since he was already adopted by a family who will love him forever.
Teeter & Totter -Cruelly Abused, Saved In The Nick Of Time
Teeter and Totter
Teeter and Totter were part of an investigation and surrendered to Pima County Animal Care and Control. Their paws had been tethered by rope and they lay motionless in the back of a truck. Boxer Luv Rescue would save the lives of these two victims of unthinkable cruelty and neglect, with financial support for medical care from PACC911’s L.A.F. Program. Boxer Luv took Teeter and Totter, a boy and girl pair, straight to the hospital where their horrifying story unfolded. Both dogs suffered from old, untreated fractures, were tick infested, very thin, and suffered from dangerously serious stages of Valley Fever. Teeter and Totter spent a very long time in the hospital where they showed everyone that despite having been betrayed by humans all their life, they are a happy, joyful couple who are sweet, loving and feeling better each day. Both dogs still have a long road to recovery, but they are now well enough to heal in a devoted foster home with no worries, just love.
Smooches - Left To Die, Abandoned At Own Home
Smooches had a family… a family who neglected her, and then left her to die when she was abandoned at her own home. For weeks Smooches lay on the porch of the empty house, alone, and barely surviving. Workers from SRP utility company found her and reached out the AZ Humane Society and Boxer Luv to help. This group of saviors watched over Smooches until they could legally remove her from the property. As soon as possible, Boxer Luv Rescue took Smooches in and would make sure the rest of her life was healthy and happy. She was taken to the hospital right away, and shortly after initial treatment for tick infestation and testing for her distended abdomen, Smooches became extremely ill. She was rushed back to the emergency room where she went straight in to surgery for internal bleeding. Her condition was critical. Smooches was living with long-deceased puppies inside of her and she had become internally infected. Boxer Luv reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program to assist with medical expenses for this poor girl. Thanks to a great team of saviors from her discovery to her medical care, Smooches is healthy today. Best of all, she has been adopted by a devoted, loving family to share her new, happy life.
Kilo - 12 Years Old And In Need Of A Hero
Kilo, a 12 year old Doxie, was in desperate need of a hero at Maricopa County Animal Care and Control. This sweet old guy was severely overweight, had a growth on his eyelid, and needed dental work. Happy Tails Doxie Rescue would be Kilo’s hero pulling him from the shelter and bringing him into their family. It was soon discovered that Kilo was very sick as he began coughing and sneezing and developed a thick mucus discharge from his nose. Kilo was placed on medication and isolated from his foster siblings until he began to get better. Happy Tails reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for financial assistance with his medical care. After a few weeks of ups and downs, he was finally better. Kilo had his eye and dental surgery and is now on a nutritious diet to lose weight. Kilo is doing great and looking for a family to love him for the rest of his life.
Daisy - Alone On The Streets, Then A Hit And Run Victim
Daisy, a young, sweet Chi, was wandering the streets alone. She stepped into the road and was struck by a car. Then, unbelievably, the car sped away, leaving poor Daisy to die. Thankfully, a woman saw it happen and scooped Daisy up taking her straight to an emergency hospital. Having worked with Happy Tails Doxie Rescue before, she reached out to them for help. Daisy was in terrible pain and needed surgery for her leg right away. Happy Tails would step in, and they reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for financial assistance. With this team effort, Daisy would be saved. The woman who saved Daisy agreed to foster her while she healed. They both fell in love, and Daisy is now adopted by her savior.
Maddox - Neglected Senior Stray, Enduring Excruciating Pain
Maddox, a loving senior Cocker Spaniel, was wandering stray and found himself at Arizona Human Society. He had been severely neglected, and his medical condition was hard to bear. Poor Maddox had agonizing ear infections, dental disease, glaucoma, and a tumor on his anal gland. Maddox was in so much pain, his little spirit was broken. The Arizona Humane Society requested that a rescue step in to become Maddox’s hope for healing and help him find a loving family to live out his life. Luv of Dogs stepped up for Maddox and reached out the PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for financial assistance. Once he had received treatment and started to feel better, Maddox’s loving demeanor shined through as his spirit was lifted. This old guy will be on some medications the rest of his life, but now he is a happy boy full of love and is quite generous with his kisses and hugs.
Buddy - Suffering Stray With Horrendous Injuries
Buddy was picked up from the streets by Maricopa Animal Care and Control. He was suffering. MCACC reached out to Arizona St. Bernard Rescue right away to see if they could save him. Arizona St. Bernard Rescue would definitely give Buddy a chance to live, and they reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for assistance with medical expenses. Once Buddy was in emergency care, it was determined that his injuries that were first thought to be a dog attack were much more serious. Actually, he had likely been hit by a car. He had internal injuries, and his body was shutting down. Over the next 6 days in the hospital, Buddy was made comfortable and every effort was made to save his life. During that time, Buddy fought hard knowing he was loved and knowing his life mattered to the wonderful people who would not give up on him. He returned their affection sharing his deeply loving heart with them. Sadly, though, Buddy lost his fight, and he crossed over peacefully in gentle, loving arms.
Marcus - Neglected, Homeless Hit By A Car
Sweet Marcus was hit by a car, and ended up at Maricopa County Animal Care and Control in horrible pain. He was suffering with a broken hip and pelvis, but Marcus had clearly known misery for quite some time. His fur was matted to the skin causing additional anguish, as he had clearly been neglected for quite some time. Knowing the necessity for medical care and bills that would come, Marcus was not a likely candidate for adoption and would face the e-list. Arizona Poodle Rescue stepped up for Marcus and saved his life with the help of PACC911’s L.A.F. Program funds. Marcus went straight to the hospital for pain management and was put on quiet rest with water physical therapy so he could get strong enough for surgery. He also got a groom to relieve his skin and reveal his beautiful gray and white coat. Throughout his ordeal, Marcus was so grateful and his happy demeanor shined through. Even in his discomfort, his tail never stopped wagging and he had lots of kisses for his saviors. Today, Marcus is ready for his surgery so he can be at 100% and ready to find a very lucky family to call his own.
Honey - Neglected, Suffering From Cancer
Honey, a beautiful senior Collie mix was taken to Maricopa County Animal Care and Control. She had been neglected to the point that she had a large cancerous growth on her hind leg with an open sore and another growth on her eye. She was malnourished and desperately needed dental care. Poor Honey was suffering, but she hid it well. Bravely, she was a happy, friendly girl and so excited to receive attention from the MCACC workers and volunteers. Heartbreakingly, though, because of the severity of her cancer and her age, Honey was placed on the e-list. Southwest Border Collie Rescue would not let Honey die in the shelter, and took her in as a hospice case. She would live her last days in comfort and with love. Surprisingly, within minutes of her rescue, it was obvious to her saviors that Honey was not a hospice case! She had plenty of energy and love to give. So, Southwest Collie Rescue made the decision to treat Honey’s cancer and give her a fighting chance. They reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program and to supporters for assistance with the very expensive treatment. All has gone well, and today, Honey’s tumor is showing signs of shrinkage. She has a good prognosis for a happy life and is now looking for her forever home to share her joy and love.
Diana & Pups - Nightmare Junkyard Was Their Home
Diana and Her Pups
The junkyard was filled with machinery, electrical wires, construction clutter, and trash, yet this had been Diana, Darcie, and Dahlia’s “home” for over two years. They were strays surviving on their own and found shelter under a trailer on the property. Diana had given birth to several litters and just had another one. Thankfully, volunteers at Animal Benefits Club noticed the dogs and got permission to rescue them from the property. The dogs’ medical needs would be addressed, including spay, and ultimately they could be placed in homes with loving families. Two rescuers did a complete sweep of the property. They even had to jack up one of the trailers to rescue newborns. At the end of the day, they had actually found and saved two nursing moms with a total of eight puppies, and another adult mother. Sadly, one puppy had already died, but the surviving group was taken to the hospital for examinations and medical care. ABC Rescue reached out to PACC911’s L.A.F. Program for assistance with medical expenses, as all of the dogs were malnourished and had parasites, and the puppies had upper respiratory infections. Today, all 8 dogs are doing great and have long healthy lives ahead of them. They will finally know love and comfort as ABC Rescue will help these brave mothers and pups find the families they deserve.